The Ralph & Mary Wilson Gift Lecture Series
Bruce Reider, M.D., the Editor in Chief of the American Journal of Sports Medicine, Professor of Surgery (Emeritus), and Director of Sports Medicine, University of Chicago Hospitals, visited Buffalo last week as the Ralph & Mary Wilson Visiting Professor. Dr. Reider gave presentations on “Getting your Research Published” and “The ACL, Swings of the Pendulum”.
The first lecture was timely, as the Orthopaedic Residents are preparing to present their annual research projects at graduation. Many of these projects are of sufficient quality to submit for publication, and the guidance that Dr. Reider gave will help them in preparing scientific manuscripts suitable for publication. The second lecture gave an historical perspective to some of the common modern day controversies in anterior cruciate ligament surgery.
Following the two lectures, our residents and fellows presented several interesting and current cases, which generated interesting discussion on the topics of ACL surgery and knee dislocations.