UBMD Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine welcomed Steven Arnoczky, DVM at the ninth Ralph & Mary Wilson Gift Lecture on Thursday, October 24th.
Dr. Arnoczky is currently the Director of Michigan State University’s Laboratory for Comparative Orthopaedic Research, where he focuses on sports-related musculoskeletal injuries in all species. His research group has developed several innovative repair and reconstruction methods currently being used by surgeons operating on both humans and animals.
Dr. Steven Arnoczky was appointed as the first Wade O. Brinker Endowed Professor of Surgery in Michigan State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine (1992-present). He has published over 300 scientific papers and has received numerous awards, such as the Purina Small Animal Research Award and the SmithKline Beecham Award for Research Excellence. Dr. Arnoczky has also been acknowledged for his contribution to human orthopaedics, and has been recognized by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine.
During the Ralph & Mary Wilson Gift Lecture, Dr. Arnoczky discussed the use of biologics in rotator cuff repairs and the role of mechanobiology in the etiopathogenesis of tendonopathy. Dr. Arnoczky opened the floor to questions, in which UBMD Ortho physicians and residents had a chance to discuss procedures and techniques.
This Ralph & Mary Wilson Gift Lecture was the ninth presentation given since the series began. The Ralph C. Wilson Foundation made a $1 million donation to UBMDOSM in September of 2011 to support research and education, particularly for the training of five orthopaedic residents and two sports medicine fellows who rotate through the department each year.
The generous donation was made by the Wilsons to honor the Buffalo Bills team physicians; UBMDOSM’s John Marzo, M.D. has served as the Medical Director and Head Team Physician for the Bills since 1991, and Les Bisson, M.D. has served as Assistant Team Physician and Orthopaedic Surgeon since 1995.