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Dr. Bone, currently serving in Afghanistan, Honored with Humanism Award


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Buffalo, NY— As a new class of 144 University at Buffalo medical students celebrated entry into medical school with a…
November 12, 2013

Buffalo, NY— As a new class of 144 University at Buffalo medical students celebrated entry into medical school with a traditional White Coat Ceremony, a veteran surgeon was honored for his long-standing efforts as part of the celebration.

During the ceremony, LTC Lawrence B. Bone, MD, professor emeritus of orthopaedics, and trauma and reconstructive surgeon with UBMD Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, was awarded the 2013 Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award in absentia, accepted by his wife, Paula.

The 64-year-old orthopaedic surgeon is currently in Afghanistan, serving as a commander in the U.S. Army medical corps. He was inspired to serve after his son was injured during a tour of duty in Iraq.

Sponsored by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, this annual award recognizes a faculty member/physician who demonstrates outstanding compassion, clinical excellence and respect for patients, their families and health care colleagues.

Medical students nominate outstanding role models for the award.

The White Coat Ceremony, which presents each student with white coat that symbolizes scientific excellence, compassionate care and trust, was held August 16 at the UB Center for the Arts.