UBMD Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine has expanded clinical space at the Amherst Health Center located at 4949 Harlem Road, enhancing access to orthopaedic care for residents of the northtowns.
“This was a great opportunity for us and for our patients,” said Brian McGrath, MD, the physician who spearheaded the expansion effort. “We were able to relocate our office staff to allow for more exam rooms and give our patients greater access to the physicians. It’s a win all around.”
The 5,700-square-foot expansion took place on the second floor of the building, adding 12 exam rooms and a third x-ray room, in addition to expanding the casting and bracing services offered. The second floor was previously occupied by the medical staff of 15 physicians, as well as several researchers. The physicians’ staff are now located with the administrative team at the Cheektowaga office.
“Before the expansion, we didn’t have exam rooms available for several of our Buffalo and Orchard Park-based physicians to see their patients in the northtowns. Now we do. The expansion also provides clinical space for the three orthopaedic surgeons that joined our practice this year,” said Mike Rogers, CPA, the group’s Director of Finance and Operations.
Additionally, patients will now have greater access to UB OrthoCare specialists who treat a variety of urgent orthopaedic injuries.
“The addition came at a good time because this time of year we tend to see a lot of sports injuries, slips and falls that need urgent attention,” Rogers said. “We now have dedicated space for UB OrthoCare, which allows rapid access to our practice.”
UB OrthoCare is open Monday through Friday until 9 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Harlem Road location.
UBMD Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine remains the largest tenant in the 33,200-square-foot medical office building.
Amherst Health Center is located at 4949 Harlem Road in Amherst. The building is managed by First Amherst Development Group, LLC. The renovation work was conducted by The Krog Corp., LLC, based in Orchard Park.
Pictured: Second Floor Reception
Pictured: Ribbon Cutting to celebrate new X-ray machine