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Arthroscopic diagram

Protective Phase: 0-6 weeks post operative weight bearing restrictions

  • Weight bearing limited to toe touch with crutches for 6 weeks
  • Passive range of motion in all planes with limitation base on patient comfort, Grade 1 mobilizations of the hip joint
  • Active range of motion to patient’s tolerance
  • Core muscle stabilization exercise; should be initiated on the mat table
  • Isometric strength work within pain free limits, should be initiated around the hip without weight bearing
  • Week 0-3 Exercises
  • Week 3-6 Exercises

Restorative Phase: 6-12 weeks post operative

  • Gradual progression to full weight bearing
  • Active range of motion progression to normal limits, mobilization and passive stretching should not encourage hypermobility of the hip joint, excessive rotation should be limited
  • Piriformis, illiopsoas and gluteal flexibility normalized
  • Progressive close chain strength work starting in the sagittal plane and moving to multiplanar activities
  • Normalization of gait
  • Proprioceptive deficits are progressively addressed
  • Highly compressive or high load activities (i.e. running) are avoided
  • Week 6-9 Exercises
  • Week 9-12 Exercises

Functional Phase: greater than 3 months post operative

  • Begin running
  • Begin sport specific or work specialized conditioning